New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) is a leader in prevention, treatment and recovery resources in New York State. Cortland Prevention Resources is proud to be a part of this state agency. OASAS' website has information on services, laws & regulations, certification information, news and much more!
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is a government agency focussed on research and ensemination of research to improve prevention and treatment. Their website offers material to inform professionals of ongoing research and resluts and offers materials for professionals to be able to put into practice themselves.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) is a government umbrella agency housing several other important government agencies. The NIH website offers professionals information on grants and funding sources, an A-Z list of health topics, news and events going on around the world and research and training opportunities.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The CDC lists as part of their mission to monitor helath, detect and investigate health problems, conduct research, be involved in public health policy, implement prevention and promote helathy behaviors, to name just some.
At their website you may find access to several good publications including the morbidity and mortality weekly report (MMWR) and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System. -
"The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the United States government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.HHS represents almost a quarter of all federal outlays, and it administers more grant dollars than all other federal agencies combined. HHS works closely with state and local governments, and many HHS-funded services are provided at the local level by state or county agencies, or through private sector grantees." At the HHS website you may find news, jobs, grant funding opportunities, information on several topics and much more
Gay, Lesbian & Streight Education Network (GLSEN) is an agency focussed on making schools safe environments for all students. Their website has information on several of their on-going programs including Safe Space, ThinkB4YouSpeak, No Name Calling Week, Gay Streight Alliences (GSAS) and The Training of Trainers Program. They also have available information on the latest policy news and research.
Fenway Health is an agency dedicated to enhancing the wellbeing of the LGBT population through access to health care, education, research and advocacy. The Fenway Institute (part of Fenway Health) provides publications on research, advocacy, and education. Very useful are the learning modules provided by the Fenway Institute which are invaluble for providers of services to LGBT individuals to learn how to make their practice more inclusive to all individuals.
The Gay & Lesbain Alliance Against Defamation (glaad) is an organization dedicated to ensuring that LGBT voices are represented in the media. At their website they offer news, blogs, publications, resource kits and much more. glaad's Amplify Your Voice Resource Kit provides information for professionals, educators and students on how to stand up against bullying. glaad's publication, An Ally's Guide to Terminology: Talking About LGBT People & Equality is a great resource for Ally's to learn proper inclusive communication.
Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG) is an organization that works to promote the health and well-being of the LGBT community and there friends and families. They provide support and education in order to create a society that is diverse and respectful of human diversity. PFLAGs website offers information and education, chapter resources to find local units, news room, support and advocacy

Our programs are designed to further our mission and provide much needed services for children and families in our community.
Take a look.

Online Parenting Wisely Program
This evidence-based program that helps families improve communication and decrease conflict is now offered online. Parents can complete this FREE program at home on their time through a series of videos and practice scenarios with the support of our trained staff.
To register, click here.
Residents of Broome, Cortland and Madison counties can contact Melissa Simmons for more information at:
Telephone: 607-756-8970 ext. 256 or E-mail: msimmons@familycs.org