Upstream Parent is a digital resource for parents managed by Cortland Area Communities That Care Coalition, a local nonprofit focused on making sure youth in our community grow up to be healthy and successful. This website includes articles on Positive Parenting, Teen Insights, and Health and Wellness.
Talk2Prevent is a great resource, provided from New York State. This site provides parent toolkits, texting toolkit and information on the developing brain of youth.
PARENTS. The Anti-Drug website provides information on different substances and their effects, resources for parents to find help, parenting advice and tips and warning signs of substance abuse. They also keep you updated on the latest news surrounding youth substance abuse and have several partner links.
Drug Overdose is a very scary issue for any parent to consider but parents must be aware of what to do in case of overdose. The following site has a complete list of drugs along with information about possible overdose related to that particular drug. This is important even for children on medication from a doctor.
Sponsored through the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), this site offers information for parents on the dangers of youth drinking and specifically the dangers of the growing population of College Students abusing alcohol. They provide information on how to talk to your child about alcohol, health risks, statistics and information on Alcohol Poisoning.
Parents can play a key role in preventing and stopping bullying. But first they have to know if their children bully or are bullied by others. Many parents do not discuss bullying with their children, and many children do not raise the topic of bullying with their parents.
Some parents of children who bully may also support such behavior without knowing it. They may use power and aggression to resolve conflicts, or they may fail to keep track of and stop bullying at home. Also, as children get older, bullying often occurs when adults are not around.
This site provides parents with vital information it prevent and recognize warning signs of bullying in their children.
From time to time, all parents need a little help. Sometimes, a piece of solid, encouraging advice can help you have an “a-ha” moment that changes the way you think and act. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong with kids, our positive, strength-based approach to parenting focuses on what’s right with kids (and parents), and the small, everyday steps you can take to help kids be successful in the future
Planned Parenthood has usefull information for parents on topics of reproductive health and sexuality. This site is recommended for having conversation with your teen about sex and sexuality, helping kids delay having sex, parenting teens who may be sexually active, Puberty Information, Parenting LGBT and Questioning Kids

Our programs are designed to further our mission and provide much needed services for children and families in our community.
Take a look.

Online Parenting Wisely Program
This evidence-based program that helps families improve communication and decrease conflict is now offered online. Parents can complete this FREE program at home on their time through a series of videos and practice scenarios with the support of our trained staff.
To register, click here.
Residents of Broome, Cortland and Madison counties can contact Melissa Simmons for more information at:
Telephone: 607-756-8970 ext. 256 or E-mail: msimmons@familycs.org